Esport Bachelor Program

At ESG, our objective is to professionalize you in order to make you operational and attractive to companies. Our pedagogy is based on the experience of our teachers, most of whom are professionals in the field and sector concerned. You will work in teams on real projects entrusted to us by our partner companies. You will immerse yourself in the company through internships or work-study programs. And at the end, you obtain a state-recognized certified degree*.

On this basis, the esports Bachelor program prepares you to design and manage digital communication and event projects in the world of gaming. This rapidly growing sector offers many opportunities. As long as you understand how it works in terms of business and have a professional network to integrate it. This is also what this esports Bachelor's degree provides you with.

At ESG Sport, you will identify and develop your personal talents. At ESG Sport, as in a company, your personality and motivation are your strongest assets to make the difference. You will be the one paving the way and we will assist you.

Work/study program available.

*"Communication Manager" Degree - ESGCV - IICP - NSF 320 - Level 6. Registered in the RNCP by decision of France Compétences dated 23/07/2020.



In the 3rd year of the esports bachelor program, you will obtain a level 6 Communications Officer degree.

The skills acquired at the end of your course will allow you to :

  • Set up an internal and external communication strategy in the field of esports
  • Develop an esports communication plan
  • Manage an esports communication project


You can enter the Bachelor program in the 3rd year with the following prerequisites:

  • Validated Bac+2 (120 ECTS) in the field of information, communication, digital or marketing (Communication BTS, Information Communication DUT, Information-Communication Licence or LEA Licence for example).

In all cases, what will make the difference is: your passion for the sports sector, your motivation to join ESG Sport, your professional project and your ability to use your knowledge and skills already acquired to apply them to this training.



Evaluation methods :

  • Case studies and professional situations on behafl of real clients
  • Common thread project of activism communication
  • Creation of a story (Instagram or Snapchat) on behalf of a partener brand
  • Production and organization of a press conference Production of a video report

If you do not obtain the RNCP title, you should know that if you have validated all of the skills related to a block, you will have acquired this block of skills.

As this course delivers a title of Communications Officer, bridges are available to other ESG courses delivering the same title.

Following Course

Following Course

This training, which delivers a level 6 certification, prepares you to enter the job market as of Bac+3.

If you wish to continue your studies to specialize and reach a higher level of responsibility in the esports sector or more broadly in Sport Business, you can continue in the 4th year in one of the Masters available at ESG Sport.



In communication :

  • Esports communication manager
  • Account manager
  • Public relations officer for the esports sector
  • Press officer in the field esports
  • Esports content producer and writer

In digital communication :

  • Digital communication manager in esports
  • Digital manager
  • Esports Community Manager
  • Social Media Manager

In event management :

  • Project manager for esports events
  • Event Coordinator
  • Venue Finder esports event communication

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